A motley assortment of interesting (?) things

Monday, April 23, 2007

What was that again?

In this sentence the word 'and' occurs twice, the word 'eight' occurs twice, the word 'four' occurs twice, the word 'fourteen' occurs four times, the word 'in' occurs twice, the word 'occurs' occurs fourteen times, the word 'sentence' occurs twice, the word 'seven' occurs twice, the word 'the' occurs fourteen times, the word 'this' occurs twice, the word 'times' occurs seven times, the word 'twice' occurs eight times, and the word 'word' occurs fourteen times.


Shiv said...

need a consultation appt with the doc, i guess

Mayaavi said...

This pangram contains four a's, one b, two c's, one d, twenty-six e's, six f's, three g's, six h's, eleven i's, one j, one k, two l's, two m's, seventeen n's, fifteen o's, two p's, one q, eight r's, thirty s's, seventeen t's, four u's, four v's, six w's, six x's, three y's, & one z.

Thats a pangram that is also an autogram...:D

Anurag said...

Interesting. Did you generate the sentence (and you too, Mayaavi) using a program? It would be nice to do research on whether there can be sentences which never converge. There's an idea for a Master's thesis in computational linguistics right there.

Mayaavi said...

Never converge???Whats that supposed to mean?

Ra.Ge said...

Shiv: Yes, I need a shrink. Do you happen to know one?

Mayaavi: I'll give you an easier panagramic autogram. Try this:

This sentence has atleast
one a,
one b,
one c,
one d,
one e...

hehe, you get the Idea.

Anurag: Nope, I stole it from somewhere, (I guess Mayaavi did too), The third one above, though, is original :)

What you say is interesting.. It does seem like there can be sentences which would keep thrashing between two variations and never converge.. But I can't think of a formal way of verifying that other than by trial-and-error.

What makes it more complex is that you cannot construct random words and random sentences to test, they have to be valid words and meaningful sentences. And doing that automatically in the English language is impossible. Even people find that difficult to master.

Anurag said...

What would make the sentence more complex is if instead of "twice" you had to use "two times".

You can narrow down my question. We will only consider sentences which resemble your post. To count the occurence of a word, we will only use a number followed by times (for example, two times, one time). The next level of complexity would be if the last sentence counted the number of times the word times appears in the sentence. :)

Anurag said...

Sorry for going ballistic about this.

If you create a sentence similar to yours, with my constraints from the previous comment, it may never converge. Whenever you add a phrase counting a number, the word "occur" will have an additional occurence, which will increment the times the word "occur" occurs, which will increase the count of at least one number, which will increase the count of yet another number and so on.

I still have to think about and attempt your puzzle of toggling doors.

Ra.Ge said...

Anurag: You seem to have thought it out throughly. I agree :)