A motley assortment of interesting (?) things

Monday, April 23, 2007

Hopeless people, pointless talk


hey! wats up?

Nothing much! U?

We r just even then.

Hmm...so watever happened to that girl you got a number from.

lets not talk about it

Aaah...so thats a lotta talking to be done here.

Come on! Whats your problem now?

My problem??? Do i have a problem? I do haan???

Dei dei....dei...

Of all the people in this world "I" have a problem. I thought "U" had a problem.And the man who knows me best tells me this, that I HAVE A PROBLEM.

Dei dei....

Fine. Watever! If you dont wanna talk about it.

No. Jus one of those tough times.

I know...All you gotta do now is not to lose hope. The last thing that you wouldnt want is to lose all hope n be a zombie character sporting a miserable look on your face all day.

No. I dont want hope. Strip me fire me kick me kill me and the least thing I would ask for is hope. Thats killing me. People use it against me all the time. They give you hope and rob everything else.




Yea, so i wanna become Master Hopeless. Hopelessness shall be my religion.

But why??? You are already showing grave symptoms of Alzheimer's. It scares me dude.

No I'm not. When you are without hope you dont care much. And that indifference makes you very attractive.

It does???

Never doubt it my friend. It sure is a plus. Indifference the new Mantra. Hopelessness the new religion. And I shall be its priest. Im gonna take it to the world. So that shall be the order of the NEW WORLD. Lets create it.

Ya right! Go get some sleep, dumb ass!!!


Anonymous said...


I have been Writing Blogs for a few months now and I have to say it is addictive. I was searching for Blogs and I found your Blog in my search. I have to say it is a great blog and I truly enjoyed reading it. I will add it to my favorites and I will check back for updates. Not to sound like stupid spam; But I belong to http://www.autosurfmonster.com community, if I were you I would submit this Blog and let thousands of others see it for free. I wish you warm regards and continued success.


Ra.Ge said...

Why does spam always have innocuous statements like "Not to sound like stupid spam; But.. "


the being said...

that got me lol-ing :D

Mayaavi said...

@sudha: hey!!!so when r u flying???No news on that front.

Ra.Ge said...

Sudha, did you see that blog invite I sent you?

Anonymous said...

ada paavi... bloglaiyum itha potutiyaa??? SUTHAM!!!

Mayaavi said...

@Mosh:I put it first here n sent it only later on.