A motley assortment of interesting (?) things

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Hmm.. our posting rate has come down significantly as we approach the 100 mark.. A classic case of Sachin syndrome methinks. We should be able to rev up once Mayaavi and I are able to get our necks above the work.

For those who didn't catch the significance of the poem post below, I promise, I will make another post throwing more light on why 09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0 are important.


Mayaavi said...

Are people really missing us???


Ra.Ge said...

lol, I don't see any "Where are you , make the next post please" comments here that I often see on other blogs.

But I'd like to believe they are here too, so Shhhhh :p

Anurag said...

Hey! I got my own shiny new integer as well:

D0 55 16 CB C1 1A F1 C0 BF 62 67 D9 88 30 7C F1

Touch it, and you are dead.