A motley assortment of interesting (?) things

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows - Leaked!

** No Spoilers here **

Hermione dies though.
Hehe just kidding. I don't know the ending yet, and I don't want to know it before I read the book either. The book is scheduled for release on the 21st and right now millions of copies are sitting in thousands of warehouses and bookstores across the world.

In spite of warnings of dire consequences and pages and pages of legal threats there is bound to be a rotten apple somewhere.. and there is. Some dude went through the pains of actually photographing each page of the novel and uploaded it. Time to fire up that bit-torrent client maybe? Word has it that some pages are unclear, but that shouldn't stop the die hard fan.

I didn't preorder the book, thought the price was preposterous. Now I need to shield myself from the media till I actually read the book. There are evil people out there waiting to spoil the experience for me, like they did with "Sixth Sense". Or I gotta pay up now. Damn.

EDIT: I've noticed a lot of people ending up here looking for excerpts, so here the bit-torrent link

1 comment:

Ra.Ge said...

Here's an excerpt from a conversation I had with a co-worker minutes after I made that post:

Him: Are you a Harry Potter Fan?
Me: Not really, I think the whole series is..
Him: (Cutting me short) @@@@* Dies in the book, I just read it in a blog.
Him: I wouldn't have told you if you were a fan
Me: (Stare)

Well I still don't know if he lied to me, or if the blog lied to him or if it is actually true.. Why do people do this? o.O

*I decline to reveal what he said