A motley assortment of interesting (?) things

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Not coffee break, Car break!!!

So...what vehicle was it?

err...its a van carrying provisions, sir!

Van, huh?

Err...Ya, you could call it a van

What is it exactly?

It looked more like a van carrying provisions!!!

Was it a milk van???

Could have carried milk also. Possible!

Or is it a truck?

A truck???What is your idea of a truck?

A truck is anything that could possibly be a truck.

Am sorry sir, i dint get that!

Me neither. But thats not important. Was it a truck?

Sir i have the number of the vehicle.

I asked you if that was a truck!!!

I totally understand...but...

You understand and you follow it up with that response??? I need to make a note of this.

Sir sir sir...

Ya go on what else?

[Very earnestly]
Sir, could you please let me know What did you make a note of?

Oh that, i just took note of your negligent behaviour.

My negligence???Sir, i dint mean it that way.

If you werent, you would have answered my question. may be that is why this accident in the first place.

What is why?

Your negligence!!!

[slightly louder]
No way. Sir, i was indeed concentrating hard.

Hmm...ok.May be this also.

Also???What also?!?

Patience!!!Otherwise you wouldnt be shouting. You lost patience and so you ended up hitting that truck slash lorry slash van in front of you.

Sir please, it was his fault. The tempo braked all of a sudden in the middle of the road and i had to crash into his rear.


Ya the van!

so... not the truck?!?

Sir, is this really important now?

You dont tell me what is important. Im the sergeant here. And i dictate rules. Now tell me, What is the vehicle number?


the number!

TN Zero seven...


Ya Zero...









Three characters???

No. Not C. Zed.

Oh Zee, then?

[Deiiiiiiiiiiiii, sottai thala]

Three wat?

[Crying inside]
foooouuurrr tttwwwwoooo seven

Why dont you jus say 3427? Ok do you have a driving license?

[3427 is just four digits. This has some 16 numbers....:((((((((((((( ]

And the argument continues....


Ra.Ge said...

dude I'm just glad you're safe. Seatbelts do work as advertised, thankfully!

Hope you get your car back soon.

Mayaavi said...

Oh yea, and trust me u need to try this urself sometime...:D...like i said earlier, Awesome fun it is...Be covered with insurance though...;)